May 15, 2010

Before I forget...

Life is wonderful, beautiful and bountiful, as it has always been. It is all the more beautiful because we have so many magnificent friends, colleagues, relatives and dear ones around us. Their sheer presence brings loads of smile for a disheartened heart, their pat on the back bolsters confidence into a struggling journey and their kind words heal all the wounds in due course of time.

I tend to go back in time whenever I think of this priceless gift of Life. Life has offered me so many great friends and colleagues. May be for some reason, all of them have not been in frequent contact which is not so pleasing for sure. However, I have come to terms with this dilemma gradually for it is inevitable given the constraints within which one has to operate. Some call it hard fact of life while some blame it on other impending matters at hand (supposedly needing immediate attention). Valid Points when you look at it from different angles. So what would one do? Or rather what could one do? I am not in a position to offer exact answer as it may vary depending on the individual.

What I could do under such circumstances is perhaps keep all those anmol treasures in the thoughts, remember them for a lifetime and wish them plethora of joy and fulfillment. I could offer a silent prayer for their welfare and success in whatever they do. I could transmit a tranquil smile into this universe hoping it reaches them with the whiff of air and make them smile for a moment, if not more.

To each and everyone, whom I have known since long or not so long, I dedicate this song and hope to connect with you all at some point of time…
Jeena_Isi_Kaa_Naam_Hai :-) :-) :-)


Ramesh said...

Wonderful post and a lovely song to commemorate the thought.

I am amazed at the maturity of your ideas , while you are a very young man. You'll go far Vishal - a wise head on young shoulders is an unbeatable combination !

Vishal said...

@ Ramesh - Thank you Sir for very kind words. I am thrilled. such words coming from you is a great inspiration, for you are a role model for many of us :-)