January 24, 2011

What an adventurous way to kick-start the new year!

The year 2011 started with new hopes and promises. Like for everyone, like for me :) . It was absolute thrill spending first week at Gurgaon amidst record breaking cold waves. Freezing cold meant more of laziness and less of outdoors and rightfully so. After all, life had to move to other side of the world for two weeks after that. Yes, I just got back after two happening weeks at Atlanta.

This year two weeks of conference at our head quarters started off with complete shutdown of the city due to inclement weather. Huge snowfalls, sleets and icy roads choked everything on a standstill. Since this is not usual for this part of the states, administration was not able to quickly respond to this situation. World’s busiest airport Hartsfield Jackson was closed for almost two and a half days. This delayed the start of our annual conference but fortunately, we all landed safely just before the storm. Extreme temperatures followed the storm making things all the more difficult. Gradually, we made our way to the start of the conference.

It was so fabulous to listen to your senior business and functional leaders. The sheer energy that they radiated was amazing and gripping. Setting new goals and rejoicing the accomplished goals are always a good way to start off fresh year and it gives immense pleasure to note how everything is tied up so beautifully towards one vision and around one team. Meeting people from around the globe was an icing on the cake. Few familiar faces and few new ones – but everyone tied up with a common theme. Building on existing skills and adding new skills are very important for one’s development and gladly, we had plenty of those as well towards end of this past week.

An event early this week though brought a scare especially sitting some 8000 miles away from home. As the news of an earthquake around Southern Pakistan and North-western India broke, it was so disturbing for few moments. Thankfully there was no major effect of this and life moved on peacefully. What an adventurous way to start the new year! Believe it or not, adventures mean so much in day to day life. Just imagine a life without adventures!


Ramesh said...

Nice. Good that you enjoyed the global conference. Sometimes such events are a drag, but evidently, this one was very good. Adventure is always a very bright way to start the year.

Vishal said...

@ Ramesh - very true, such events are normally a drag especially when they last for as long as two weeks. but we were fortunate enough to learn a lot during this period. Nice break from day to day job after all :)